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Letter to Love Covenant Church's Music Ministry

Dear Musicians and Singers


God is not unjust to forget or overlook your labour of love that you have shown toward His name, in that you minister to the saints, as you still do.

Hebrews 6:10


Your ministry, gifting, humility, faithfulness and willingness to serve the Lord the way you do, is treasured and appreciated by Love Covenant Church. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for allowing God to use you, grow you and work in you to will and to do His purpose, His satisfaction and His delight. You are His precious jewels, that He will reveal 'on that day'.


We have made the voice of thanksgiving to be heard (Psalm 26:7),

We love the habitation of His House and the place where His glory dwells (Psalm 26:7),

We have sung forth the honour and glory of His name and made His praise glorious (Psalm 66:1).

We have exalted Him in the congregation of the people and in the company of elders. (Psalm 107:32).


What a joy it is to serve Him and be doers of the Word with you. I couldn’t have asked for a better people than you. The Lord has been so very good to us – all glory to His Name! Thank you for pressing in, praying, believing and standing together in unity and purpose – to see His glory manifest, people touched and lives changed. You share in the reward and the fruits that Love Covenant bears to the Glory and Honour of His Name.


You are loved, cherished, adored and enjoyed. Thank you for being a team of anointed excellence with humility. God bless you, increase you, make His Face to shine upon you, protect you and draw you nearer to Himself and reveal Christ within you that you might proclaim Him.


In the Light of His Love



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